Belkyra neck and chin massage without surgery

Belkyra neck and chin massage without surgery

Belkyra, the current flagship solution for contouring the neck and chin without surgery!

Previously the only way to correct a double chin was through surgery. Today, science is innovating and we offer you the Belkyra method, also called Kybella.

What is Belkyra really?

Belkyra is a non-surgical treatment offering permanent results. It is an innovation in cosmetic surgery aimed at eliminating fat from the underchin and thus improving the profile of the chin, neck and face.

It is the only injection treatment that has been approved by Health Canada. Its goal is to target and eliminate fat cells (adipose cells) which are located under the chin.

Belkyra, what is this revolutionary treatment?

The Belkyra treatment consists of giving you several injections spread over several sessions. This is a chemical compound called ATX-101 which is better known as deoxycholic. To be more explicit, it is a natural component that is already present in the body. Its purpose is to dissolve fats in our stomach allowing our body to absorb them. This component therefore has the role of dissolving fat. And once injected, all your skin cells remain intact. And it has been proven to be the only treatment that has left skin unchanged.

Belkyra therefore dissolves the fat which is subcutaneous, inducing its gradual elimination. Deoxycholic acts by inducing epidermal tightening leading to better definition of the skin with better tone. It treats in a natural and sustainable way.

This treatment has been subjected to 20 clinical studies and has treated more than 1,800 satisfied people all over the world. According to these studies, Belkyra is a reliable and effective treatment for treating a double chin.

Who is the Belkyra treatment for?

Belkyra treatment is suitable for adult women and men. Whether for overweight people of any age wishing to get rid of fat under the chin which cannot be eliminated with weight loss diets and sport. These fat cells in most cases come from your genetic heritage.

Belkrya is primarily intended for people with mild to moderate roundness under the chin.

What does the Belkyra treatment actually consist of?

The first step is to meet with you to assess the approximate number of treatments needed to improve your appearance. Then you come regularly to have the Belkyra treatment injected directly under the chin.

Each session lasts approximately 15 to 20 minutes. These injections are performed without anesthesia. But before each of these injections, ice is applied to the area to be treated.

Generally the treatment is done in 3 sessions but this obviously depends on each person’s case.

How is a double chin formed?

A double chin can affect people who are at a healthy weight. It cannot therefore be associated with weight gain in an individual. In some cases, it appears in individuals with genetic predisposition factors. And in other cases the double chin is due to aging.

This fatty mass under the chin is unsightly and can make you look older and heavier.

What are the side effects of Belkyra treatment?

There are side effects of Belkyra injection treatment. But which are minimal because they usually only last a few days. Frequently after each injection you will have:

  • Swelling
  • A numbness
  • A pain
  • A bruise
  • Some redness
  • Skin sensitivity

These side effects mainly occur after the first treatment. They then decrease after each subsequent injection. To reduce these side effects, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the affected area.

The risks that may bother you are difficulty swallowing after each injection.

What are the benefits of Belkyra treatment?

The advantage with this treatment is that there is no:

  • Surgery
  • No incision
  • No downtime
  • The result is permanent

How do the results of the Belkyra treatment look?

The result of Belkyra treatment is visible quickly after each session. You will therefore notice an improvement with each session. These results are long-lasting because the destruction of fat cells is irreversible. And following the destruction of these, this causes a reaction in the deep tissues of the skin which can improve the elasticity of the skin.

What do patients who have undergone Belkyra treatment say?

According to the feedback from each patient, we could see that more than 80% are completely satisfied! They are happy with the new appearance of their face, neck and chin. They say they have better self-esteem and are happier. They feel rejuvenated and look better and are no longer self-conscious about the appearance of their chin.

Belkyra is therefore the only adapted and tailor-made treatment to eliminate your double chin.

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