Frequently Asked Questions

During your consultation, Dre. Duclos will make you clearly understand your options and you should be well informed about your expectations.

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How long has Dr. Duclos been a plastic surgeon?

Since 1994.


What kind of training must plastic surgeons undergo?

After medical school, training in cosmetic surgery takes about 5 years and includes not only cosmetic surgery, but reconstructive surgery, burn surgery, microsurgery, hand surgery, and maxillofacial surgery as well.


What are the waiting periods before a procedure?

It depends on the procedure. For more information, call (514) 252-0912. Our secretary will be happy to answer your questions.


How much does a procedure cost?

Cost varies according to the type of surgery and its extent. Only a consultation can give you any kind of precise answer. You can, however, get an approximate estimate by phone at (514) 252-0912.


Is it necessary to have an operation to rejuvenate the face?

It is becoming increasingly possible to slow down the effects of aging by opting for injections instead of surgery. Injections are quick and recovery is also quicker than with surgery. Dr. Duclos can recommend the product that’s best for you. You’ll find more details about this in the Facial injections section.


Is it possible to have a mini lift or lift with small incisions?

Dr. Duclos has been performing this type of procedure for quite a few years. When indicated, the results can be excellent and allow for faster recovery than a conventional lift.


Will fat cells come back after liposuction?

No. The fat that is removed by liposuction doesn’t come back, even if you gain weight after the procedure.


Is it possible to get a breast augmentation without scars?

It is possible to do a breast augmentation with an incision in the armpit, the type of incision that isn’t visible when looking at the breasts. Dr. Duclos uses different approaches for breast augmentation, whether in the armpit, the fold under the breast, the areola, or even the abdomen.


What types of breast implants are available in Canada?

Health Canada authorizes silicone gel breast implants and saline solution filled breast implants. At your consultation, Dr. Duclos will advise you on which type of implant is best for you.


Where do the procedures take place?

The procedures take place at Dr. Duclos’s clinic situated at 3350 Rosemont Boulevard, in Montreal.


Are surgical guidelines the same for private clinics as they are for hospitals?

The guidelines followed by the clinic are in accordance with the Collège des Médecins du Québec. During a procedure under general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic with sedation, the anaesthetist stays at your bedside until you wake up. Furthermore, Dr. Duclos does not leave the premises until the last patient leaves the clinic.


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