Dr. Lucie Duclos’ cosmetic surgery clinic obtains accreditation from Accreditation Canada with honorable mention

Dr. Lucie Duclos’ cosmetic surgery clinic obtains accreditation from Accreditation Canada with honorable mention

Presentation of the Accreditation Canada organization

Agreement Canada is an independent, non-profit and entirely Canadian organization. For more than 55 years, this organization has set standards across the country and promoted best practices. The leader, Accreditation Canada, grants accreditation to some 1,100 health care and social service organizations in Canada. Accreditation Canada is in turn accredited by the International Society for Healthcare Quality (ISQua) www.isqua.org. For more To learn more about Accreditation Canada activities, please visit the website at the following address: www.accreditation.ca.

What is the meaning of an approval with mention?

This means that Dre Lucie Duclos as part of the practice of her profession at the Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Rosemont Montreal Quebecexceeds the requirements of the Qmentum accreditation program and receives praise for its commitment to quality improvement.

How does the accreditation process work at the cosmetic surgery clinic?

During Accreditation Canada’s May 2022 visit, the leadership, governance, programs and services of Dr. Lucie Duclos’ cosmetic surgery clinic were assessed against Accreditation Canada’s requirements in terms of quality and of security. These requirements include pan-Canadian standards of excellence, safety practices required to reduce potential dangers and questionnaires used to assess the workplace, the safety culture of users, the functioning of governance and the experience of the user.

During the accreditation visit, the survey team undertook a number of activities to determine the extent to which the clinic met the requirements of the accreditation program. Visitors observed the care provided; they spoke, among others, with staff, users and families; they consulted the documents and files, and recorded the results. This process, known as the tracer method, helps visitors follow the user’s journey within the organization and gives them an accurate picture of how the service is provided throughout the process.

Description of the clinic following the accreditation report

“The Dr. Lucie Duclos Clinic was founded in 2006 and this surgical medical center offers a range of care and health services related to cosmetic surgery. Dr. Duclos is the only surgeon who works in the clinic and who performs surgical procedures. A consultation office within the clinic allows you to meet and evaluate the clientele served. The establishment has only one operating room, with a recovery room with two stretchers and a chair. No patient spends the night in the recovery room. Level 1, 2 and 3 surgical procedures are performed. A corridor of understanding with the Maisonneuve Rosemont hospital exists for the transfer of clients if necessary. The team includes a surgeon, two rotating anesthetists, two operating room nurses, a rotating recovery room nurse, a receptionist, a sterilization attendant and external consultants such as the biomedical engineering department. »

Excerpts from comments on the cosmetic surgery clinic in the accreditation report

“A warm, family atmosphere with a spirit of teamwork is very palpable in the organization. The team is very small with a total of eight employees. Employees perform different functions and/or according to the activities of the operating program. The team is quite stable and loyal to the organization with a low turnover rate.”
“Clinical practices are linked to guidelines and operating processes are oriented towards patient safety. In the operating room, everything is done to ensure safe practice that meets all industry standards.”

“Infection prevention and control, amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, are at the heart of activities aimed at customer safety. Necessary policies and procedures are well established. Significant emphasis has been placed on hand hygiene, including training and audits.”

The dimension of quality assessment following accreditation Canada

Accreditation Canada recognizes eight dimensions of quality that play a role in the delivery of safe, high-quality health care.

Result of the evaluation according to the quality criteria for the cosmetic surgery clinic of Dr. Lucie Duclos.


The Qmentum Accreditation Program consists of a four-year cycle of evaluation and improvement during which the cosmetic surgery clinic works to comply with standards and improve the quality of its services. This program recognizes and rewards quality and innovation. Ultimately, it is you patients of the clinic who benefit from safer, higher quality healthcare services through my involvement in the accreditation process. Accreditation guarantees you as a patient of the clinic high quality care.

We look forward to meeting you at the clinic and taking the time to evaluate your request for cosmetic surgery care. To make an appointment please contact me at 514 252 0912


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