Say goodbye to cellulite thanks to the process proposed by Dr. Duclos
12 February 2019Xtra Cohesive Gel Silicone Breast Implant
3 June 2019
Dre Duclos recently attended < a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Toronto at the 49th Annual Symposium of Plastic Surgery and aesthetic surgery organized by the University of Toronto. During this conference, innovative cosmetic surgery of the face and body was discussed.< /p>
For the face, there were lectures on rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, neck, forehead and face lifts, Botox injections and hyaluronic acid and laser.
For the body, several techniques were covered. For example, for the abdomen, there was discussion of mini abdominoplasty, of abdominoplasty conventional , the circumferential abdominoplasty and the Fleur de Lys type abdominoplasty, with or without liposuction b> and umbilicoplasty. For the thighs, vertical, horizontal and posterior techniques were covered. There was also the lift of the arms, buttocks and sides. Surgeries following weight loss or following pregnancy were discussed. Finally, the latest updates regarding breast implants have been sent.
During this congress, Dr. Duclos was able to exchange with plastic surgeon colleagues from across Canada and the United States who are interested, just like her, in cosmetic surgery. These meetings are an opportunity to continually seek to find new techniques and share them. The ultimate goal is to provide customers with the latest advancements in this constantly evolving field. Very soon, Dr. Duclos will communicate with you in more detail the highlights of the conference. Subscribe to the newsletter.