Breast lift


Over time, lack of skin elasticity, the force of gravity, significant weight loss or pregnancy cause breasts to become less firm and saggy. Breast lift or mastopexy or commonly called “breast lift” improves the appearance of the breasts by reshaping them.

However, surgery does not restore elasticity to the skin and has no effect on the phenomenon of gravity, so that the breasts may decline over time. A minimal breast reduction may be recommended at the same time as the lift in order to reduce the weight of the breast so that the result is more lasting. Instead of a lift or in addition to a lift, Dre Duclos could also suggest breast implants so that the curve of the breast is maintained at the upper part of the breast, so that the breast is firmer and the result is more lasting. This is particularly the case after pregnancy or significant weight loss.

A breast lift can improve your appearance and self-confidence, but will not necessarily change the quality of your relationships with others or achieve perfection. The best candidates for this type of surgery are healthy, emotionally stable people who have realistic expectations. Before opting for this intervention, clarify your expectations and discuss them with Dr. Duclos. She will be happy to answer all your questions clearly and precisely and to inform you about the most appropriate treatments for your situation. telling you their advantages and disadvantages.

During the procedure, the excess skin is removed, the breast is lifted and the incisions are closed. Depending on your condition, scars may be located around the nipple areola only, extend to the fold under the breasts, or extend to the inframammary fold. In addition, the diameter of the nipple areola can be reduced so that it fits more harmoniously with the breast.

During the consultation, Dr. Duclos will examine your breasts and check the quality of your skin, the degree of sagging, the size of the breasts, the characteristics of your gland and the presence of nodules. After assessing your state of health and your expectations, she will make her recommendations, with each surgery planned according to your condition. She will explain in detail the surgical options, the procedure and the most appropriate type of anesthesia (local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia), the pre and postoperative instructions, the associated risks and the expected results, including the location of incisions.

Following the procedure, you will need to purchase a sports bra for the day of the operation. The duration of the intervention varies depending on its extent. You will then be under observation until your condition allows you to leave the clinic. A prescription for pain medication, instructions and the date of the next appointment will be given to you before your departure. Plan to ask someone to drive you home.
As there is very little pain after the procedure, only mild analgesic medication is prescribed. Significant pain or sudden swelling should be reported immediately.

During the two weeks following the procedure, you will need to keep your bra on at all times, except during hygiene treatments, and avoid lifting objects above your head. You will need to avoid exposing the scars to the sun or tanning salon for about 6 months. When you return to work will depend on the type of work you do. In general, you will be able to resume intense sporting activities one month after the procedure.

Complications are rare and usually minor. Hemorrhage (or heavy bleeding), infection, healing problems and/or asymmetry may occur. Very rarely, breast or nipple sensitivity decreases and, exceptionally, a complete loss of sensitivity occurs. This procedure usually has no effect on your ability to breastfeed.

About cosmetic breast surgeries

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